Chacom Army #62924-8547
Chacom Army #62924-8547
No doubt this is called an “Army” because of the military mount stem, but while an military mount is not at all unusual, the way this button is cut is extremely unusual. Fortunately, we have pictures, because if I had to describe it verbally, the best I could do is call it somewhat like an upside down Peterson stem, although isn’t all that accurate, either. I will say that either set properly in place, or even upside down (looking much like a Peterson P-lip) is is not uncomfortable…and not terribly comfortable. Why not just a normal horizontal slit? The stem material is acrylic, I think, and the condition of the pipe is excellent all around. It’s a Grp. 5 in size.
5.5” long, bowl 2” tall. Weight: 1.25 oz., 36 grams.