Brugge #10124-5979
Brugge #10124-5979
Because we were recently in Brugge (also Bruges, depending on which language you’re using) and because this novelty pipe was just sitting around and taking up room, I’m posting it. There are people who collect all manner of pipes, so maybe this will find a welcoming home because it’s not welcome here. That briar bowl does screw on and off, but I’m not recommending you smoke anything from this pipe because whatever the “leg” is made of, it will probably kill you if you inhale it. And that may well be why this pipe is unsmoked. Having said that, the draw is wide-open, so, as they say, knock yourself out. The bowl is a good Grp. 5 size, although overall it’s probably a Grp. 4. The “crest” on the shank is ostensibly one of Brugge. This is pretty old, but I can’t guess how old as the usual clues I can pick up in a briar don’t exist here.
5.55” long, bowl 2.2” tall. Weight: 7/8 oz., 24 grams.