Holtorp #62123-4164JC *SOLD 7/30/23*
Holtorp #62123-4164JC *SOLD 7/30/23*
Holtorp was an early innovator of Danish pipes and a mainstay of the Pipe-Dan shop from the 1960’s into the 70’s. He then had his own shop, but still sold many pipes through the Pipe-Dan store. He never became as famous as other makers, but his styles and workmanship place him as a more than worthwhile maker to collect and smoke. Holtorp never became as famous as some of the names mentioned. Most probably, because the majority of his pipes was a bit different from the Danish "fancy freehands" and more striving for elegance. That is one of the descriptions of Holtorp and his pipes as lifted straight out of Pipedia. I personally have one of his freehands, owned by a favorite uncle of mine. But frankly, the piece we have here is more to my style and, as the quite says, is refined. It also has some excellent straight grain worth looking at. It’s a Grp. 5 in size, has an open draw, a vulcanite stem (which is dull in the photo because I haven’t yet polished it…I promise it will look new and shiny when it arrives in your mailbox) and is in excellent condition. Used.
6” long, bowl 2” tall. Weight: 1 oz., 27 grams.